Jennifer Brook

Twelve short stories by writer and book artist Jennifer Brook exploring memory and houses make up Transplant. The pages are pouches of cream-colored Stonehenge paper that are open at the top. The spines and flyleaves are made from Strathmore Kimono Red paper. The text was printed on peach vellum by a Vandercook proofing press using hand-set 10 point Garamond type. Each page/pouch has a house-shaped die cut opening. The first sentence of a story (printed on vellum that rests in the pocket) is visible in the opening. Pulling the vellum from the pouch reveals the rest of the story.
Artist Jennifer Brook said: "This book was created with the support of numerous midwives and matron saints. The 12 stories are based on memories from 12 of my childhood houses.”
Press: Tree House Press
Date: 2006
Number and Edition: 20 of 48
Size: 3.5” x 7”
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