Purgatory Pie Press

Infinity Forever
Purgatory Pie Press has hand-set type for and collaborated with over 100 artists in making books and printed matter. The press also teaches workshops in making instant artists’ books, experimental printmaking, and a hands-on history of typography.
Infinity Forever is an orange and blue tall book that includes quotes on infinity from a number of famous and infamous people, including Georg Cantor. Cantor, considered a mathematical heretic at the time, developed the Set Theory and his now-famous fractal Cantor Set in the 1870s. The book features six accordion cut-out pages and is bound in orange covers. Infinity Forever is housed in a Blue Tiziano paper slipcase with orange and yellow titles. The drawings and research were done by Susan Happersett, and the book was designed by Esther K. Simth.
Artists: Dikko Faust and Esther K. Smith
Press: Purgatory Pie Press
Date: 2004
Number and Edition: 85 of 100
Size: 2” x 9”
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Cerritos Library
18025 Bloomfield Avenue
Cerritos, CA 90703, United States
(562) 916-1350
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